Titus - When the Church is in a mess (2010)
Mr. Olyott writes of his theme: "Sometimes the church is in a mess - through immaturity, error or sin, but something can be done about it". He tells us of the importance of Godly men in leadership. The letter is full of good advice for living a a life of godliness and good works.
Titus - Video Sermons - 2021
Preached at Belvidere Road Church
Titus 1:1-16 This is where we begin: we think great thoughts; we place the right men in leadership. Titus 2:1-15 This is what we do next: we show each person what God expects of them, and we tell them why. Titus 3:1-15 These are the notes we never stop sounding. Titus 1;1- 3; (1;1-16) A birds eye view of Titus. Titus 1;1-16 Thrilled, Served, Warned. Titus 2;1-15 Always Thinking. Titus 3;1-15 Four Things More.