Romans 6-8 - This way to Godliness (2005)
Stuart takes us through Romans 6, 7 & 8, the basics of how to live a holy life. He shows us that holiness is moral rather than mystical in character. He explains why law-keeping is a dead end while God's law itself is good. He clarifies the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in transforming our lives to be like Christ and sets before us the glorious prospect of the world to come. The sermons drive us down the motorway of holiness so that we grasp the main points and don't get lost in the side-turnings and alleyways of the text. (Aberystwyth Conference)
Romans (1975)
Romans Simply Explained - Perhaps no other part of Scripture has had a profound an influence on the history of the Christian church as Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Luther said of Romans: 'It can never be read or considered too much or too well, and the more it is handled, the more delightful it becomes and the better it tastes.' In this book the author aims to present a simple introduction to Romans for the ordinary reader. His exposition goes straight to the heart of the passage, avoiding technicalities or obscure textual criticism.
Romans 12;1-2 What God wants you to do this year. Romans 6:1-7:6 This Is Where We begin. Romans 7:7-25 This Is a Cul-de-sac. Romans 8:1-17 This Is an Open Road. Romans 8:18-39 This Is Where We End Up. Romans 1:1-17 Romans Who it’s from, to Whom is it sent to & What it About. Romans 1:18-32 The sin of man & the wrath of God. Romans 2:1-16 The Judgement of God what it will be like. Romans 2:17-29 Having spiritual privileges will not save you. Romans 3:1-20 Paul answers some objection & the guilt of all men & women is proved. Romans 3;9-28. What is The Gospel. Romans 3:21-31 The one way of Salvation revealed to us in the Gospel. Romans 4:1-25 An Old Testament example of Justification by Faith. Romans 4;23-25 Paul's Welcome Service. Romans 4;24-25 The Confession of a true Christian, what he believes. Romans 4;24-25 A true Christian speaks. Romans 5;1 Peace with God. Romans 5:1-11 The Blessing which accompany Justification. Romans 5:12-21 The first Adam and the Last. Romans 6:1-14 Union with Christ, the old master & the new. Romans 6:14-7:6 What it means not to be under the Law but under Grace. Romans 7:7-25 The past and present experience of a true Believer. Romans 8:1-17 The normal Christian life. Romans 8;5-17 (Vs 14) The Spirit of God & the sons of God. Romans 8:18-39 Present sufferings of a Christian are but a prelude to glory. Romans 8;28-30. God's Unbreakable Chain The Love That Never Fails. Romans 8;28-39. (Vs 38) Looking back & forward. for All thing work together for good. Romans 9:1-29 The true Israel of God, the problem of unbelieving Israel. Romans 9:25-10:21 All fulfills the prophecy’s & True Salvation & its proclamation. Romans 10:17-11:16 Salvation proclaimed & Has God completely finished with the Jew (Part 1). Romans 11:17-36 Has God completely finished with the Jew Part 2. Romans 11;33-12;2 What God Wants From You. Romans 12:1-21 The will of God. Romans 12;11 Christian Zeal. Romans 13:1-7 The relationship of a Christian and the State. Romans 13:8-14 The Christian behaviour in society. Romans 14:1-23 The will of God for you in areas where Christians have Differences of conscience. Romans 14;12. (Matthew 25;14-30, Luke 19;11-27) Are Accountability to God. Romans 15:1-13 True brotherhood. Romans 15:14-33 Paul's work & plans as he describes them, getting a good look at Paul a man of God. Romans 16:1-16 A glimpse at Phoebe & some early Christians, Paul writing to. Romans 16:17-27 Closing comments, Warnings, Greetings & a Doxology of Praise.