John (1979, 1980)
Hear clear and challenging messages on "the profoundest book in the world". John's record is a unique gospel account of the three and a half years he spent listening to "the Lord of glory".
John (2019)
Preached at Caergwrle Evangelical Church
John 1:1-18 A Profound Summary of the Truth. John 1:19-34 Jesus Christ, Who He Is, Why He has Come. John 1:35-2:12 His First Disciples. John 2:13-3:21 A Sign & Three Things Which Follow. John 3;14-15. (Numbers 21;4-9) Why Jesus Christ Gods Son came into this world. John 3:22-26 A Question, Answer & Explanation. John 4:1-42 The Journey, The conversation & The Outcome. John 4:43-54 A Tale of Two Towns. John 5:1-47 The Healing at Bethesda. John 6:1-21 A Day in Christ's School. John 6:22-40 I Am the Bread of Life. John 6:41-71 The Reaction to His Claims, 'I am the bread of life'. John 6;41-71. (Vs 66 - 68) Do you also want to go away. John 7:1-53 Come See Who Christ Is. John 8:1-59 Five Great Truths about Christ. John 9:1-41 Jesus Is God, The Giver of Physical and Spiritual Sight. John 9:39-10:42 The Good Shepherd & His Sheep. John 11:1-54 God Glorified in the Raising of Lazarus. John 11:55-12:42 Jesus, Your Enemy, A Celebrity or A Friend? John 13:1-38 Jesus Gives an Example & A New Commandment. John 14:1-14 Come Know & Work for The Father Through Christ. John 14:15-31 Christ's Gift to His People. John 15;1-8. The Secret of Living the Christian Life. John 15:1-27 Our Relationship with Christ, Each Other & The World. John 16:1-33 What to Expect Before Christ's Second Coming. John 17:1-26 The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed. John 18:1-19:16 Teachings About Christ & Man. John 19:16-42 The Darkest Hour in History. John 20;19-31 A soul refreshing view, on two Sunday evenings. John 21;1-25. A soul refreshing view. at breakfast on the beach. John 20:1-21:25 Seven Surprises. John 1:1-18 Four words to treasure. John 1:8-10 Our You Ready For Failure. John 2:1-12 Trust and obey. John 4:19-42 Truly converted people. John 5:16-30 The Voice that raises the dead. John 6:41-71 Do you also want to go away. John 7:37-38 Dry throats and flowing rivers. John 8:1-12 Darkness dawn and sunshine. John 9:1-41 What do you see. John 10;1-30 (v30) Pessimism or Optimism. John 10:14-31 Christ's sheep. John 10;22-42. The Good Shepherd's sheep. John 11:17-44 Jesus wept. John 12:1-28 Die - and live. John 12;20-36. That last Tuesday. John 13:1-17 The secret of happiness. John 13:36-14 11 Let not your heart be troubled. John 14:1-14 We don't need a way to the Way! John 14:15-24 A living bright reality. John 15:1-8 Abiding in Christ. John 16:1-15 The work of the Holy Spirit. John 17:1-26 Loved with everlasting love. John 18:1-40 The king of the Jews. John 19:1-42 Where He was crucified there was a garden. John 20:1-18 There's believing.... and there's believing. John 20:19-31 Jesus came. John 21:1-25 Stranger on the shore. John 21;15-22. You Follow Me. John 21; Seven Failures All in the same boat.