Acts - They Got Converted (1994)
Thirty five years have gone by since Christ's resurrection. Luke records what Christ continued to do by his Holy Spirit in the conversion of individuals. Pastor Olyott focuses on selected conversions and how they apply to us now.
The Acts of the Apostles (1976-1977)
Luke records what Christ continued to do by the Holy Spirit working through His Apostles, to spread the Good News of the Gospel, As more and more people where converted, the Church grows spreading through the then known world. Teaching us many lesson which still apply to us today.
Acts 1:1-2:47 The Lord added to the Church daily. Acts 3:1-4:31 Many heard the Word and believed. Acts 4:32-5:42 They believed the teachings of Jesus Christ. Acts 6:1-7:60 They were obedient to the faith. Acts 8:1-40 They went everywhere preaching the Word. Acts 9:1-30 When God Converts (God is in control). Acts 9:31-11:18 All may receive the Word of God and be saved. Acts 11:19-12:24 Persecution cannot stop Gods Word from spreading. Acts 12:25-13:52 All appointed to eternal life believed. Acts 14:1-15:35 Gathering together they reported what God has done. Acts 15:36-17:15 They turned the world upside down. Acts 16;9-35 Instant Conversion. Acts 17;27 Psalm 139 The Nearness of God. Acts 17:16-34 As he preached some believed and joined them. Acts 18:1-22 Many hearing believed and were baptised. Acts 18:23-19:41 The Word of the Lord grew and prevailed. Acts 20:1-38 Preaching the whole counsel of God. Acts 21:1-36 Saved and zealous for keeping the law of God. Acts 21:37-22:29 Chosen of God to know His will & witness for Him. Acts 22:30-23:55 You are immortal till your work is complete. Acts 24:1-27 He witnessed of the sure hope in God his Saviour. Acts 25:1-22 We preach a living Saviour alive for evermore. Acts 25:23-26:32 The almost Christian & the Christian. Acts 27:1-28:21 Are you persuaded? do you believe in Jesus? Acts 2: Special reference to Baptism & Filling of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-21 With special reference to Tongues. Acts 2:22-40 Peters 1st Gospel Sermon & their response to it. Acts 2;22-47. The very first baptismal service. Acts 2;36-47. 1 Timothy 3;14-16 The Church, The Pillar & Foundation of The Truth. Acts 2:41-47 The 1st local Christian Church & four thing about it. Acts 6;1-7 The ministers secret walk with God. Acts 6:1-15 Murmuring within & disputing without so Deacons appointed. Acts 7:1-8:4 Stephen Defends the Faith & is Martyred & Jerusalem Church scattered. Acts 8:5-25 Philip ministry in Samaria, Evangelism & the Evangelist. Acts 8;26-38 The Joy and Need of Gospel Proclamation. Acts 8:26-40 Ethiopian eunuch is saved & Baptised. Acts 8;26-40 How Conversions Take Place. Acts 9:1-9 Paul the persecutor Conversion. Acts 9;1-25 Behold he is praying. Acts 11;19 & 13;1-4 Church Beginnings & Godly Leadership & their principal work. Acts 15:1-41 The dissension over circumcision & the Jerusalem Council. Acts 16:1-40 Pauls second missionary journey and the gospel going to Europe. Acts 16;9-34 Instant Change and Conversion. Acts 17:1-18:23 Paul's second missionary journey part 2. Acts 18:24-19:24 Apollos & Paul at Ephesus. Acts 20;17-38. Seven things to get hold of. Acts 21:1-22:30 Paul goes to Jerusalem & his arrest & defence. Acts 16;9-34 Instant Conversion. Acts 16;9-34. Four Reminders. Acts16;9-34 Converted Baptisted Useful and Glad. Acts 16;9-34 Two Conversion. Acts 16;23-34 The Philippians jailer’s conversion. Acts 17;27-28. & Psalm 139;1-24 The Nearness of God. Acts 17;27b-28 God is not far from each one of us. Acts 17;27 God is not far from each one of us. Acts 17;30-34. Five Key Words. Acts 17;16-34. Evangelising in a Hostile World.