Stepping Stones (A Popular Catechism) (1995, 1996)
The Bible teaches a system of doctrine. All Christians are urged to know the basic teachings of the faith - in order to give an answer for the hope in them and for the other reasons given in this series.
What life is all about. Romans 11:36. Light in the darkness. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. He is there & He is not silent. Hebrews 11:6. I Am Who I Am. John 4:24. The Three are one. Matthew 28:19. No Chance. 1 Samuel 3:1-21. Something from Nothing. Hebrews 11:3. We fell from there. Genesis 1:27. Adam's Fall was our Fall. Romans 5:12. Straight Talk about Sin. Romans 3:23. Who Chose Who? 2 Timothy 1:9. Only One Way. Acts 4:12. Son of Mary Son of God. Matthew 1:23. Here is the Key, Prophet, Priest and King Matthew 16:16. God's last word still speaks. 2 Timothy 3:15. A price for a people. Acts 20:28. King of Kings. Revelation 19:16. Behold the Man. Acts 17:31. Chosen, Called and Faithful. 2 Timothy 1:9. Right with God. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Children of God - and sure of it! Romans 8:16. Called to be saints. Hebrews 12:14. For ever and ever ... Acts 24:15